Friday, February 13, 2009

A flashback (part 1)

Phew, a hectic week gone by! Here's a flashback of Ming's life in the last 6 days:

I got into a spat with my mom. A light one, all things considered. It was actually pretty stupid to fight about...

Also, my driving instructor forgot to come and pick me up again!!! T_T

Wow, Valentine's day! Too bad I spent it all by myself... *sobs* I listened to Taylor Swift's Love Song and Nickelback's Gotta be Somebody over and over again till I gave Hanzo a sore throat. Even now, he's still glaring at me.

Hanzo: I hate you... *fades into darkness*

...*ahem* In the morning, I went for my FIRST Driving class. It was kinda funny and scary at the same time. The driving instructor is called Mr.Lim, and the first thing he taught me was about the clutch. I think I failed a few times before I got the hang of it. The important thing about the clutch is that you must never lift your foot too fast. You have to wait for the car to move a bit, then only you can lift your foot. Switching gear was also a bit of a problem, because I had to step the clutch first, and then I need to switch the gear. The problem is that Im trying to look at the road at the same time, so sometimes I switch to the wrong gear! Even worse is when I stall the car in the middle of the road. OMG, thank god it only happened in the practise area, and not on the main road!! Mr.Lim also taught me how to reverse, and I think I got the hang of that alright. However, I think the most heart-stopping moment was when he told me to go to the main road! At the beggining it was just the practise area. Then it was a side road near the practise area. Then it became the main road.

Suffice to say, I nearly fainted on the spot.

The first tribulation was stopping at a red light behind a lorry. Thankfully there was no one at the back of me when I did, because I'm still very bad at starting up the car after you press the breaks. It still takes me like maybe 5 seconds to really get going, and there was the fear the car would stall...

OK, so after I passed the red light, Mr.Lim asked me to turn into this side road near the police station...and it so happened a lot of people double parked around that area...suffice to say, it's like "meniti kaca", or for those of you who don't know BM, it means crossing glass. It's supposed to mean that it's as difficult and as fragile as crossing a glass bridge. Thankfully Mr.Lim was next to me, otherwise I would've had a panic attack!!! I also had to stop for another car to allow the driver to park the car, but it wasn't so bad; I think lorries are scarier than the tiny Kancil car. =)

After getting through that mess, Mr.Lim asked me to drive back to my house. My house is on a hill, so if I happened to do anything wrong...well, I'll go tumbling down...

Mr.Lim is a really good guy, I like him as my teacher he's really patient with me, even if I am a banana. I'll be seeing him tommorow for my next class, so I'll let you know about the sequel to Ming's Driving Lesson. =)

In the afternoon, I continued the seminar I went for the last week. It's a really good seminar that teaches one to be a better person and to be more proactive. For example: Did you notice that we tend to always talk about the bad things than the good? Bad prices, Bad homework, Bad teachers...well get this. Actually our mind is divided into two. A concious mind and a subconcious mind. Our subconcious mind CANNOT recognise which we want and which we don't want. It can only go "YES SIR". So while you know that you don't want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend who's possesive, because you keep moaning and complaining about it, your subconcious mind will think that you do want it! That's why most people end up getting into relantionships with people who have characteristics they don't want. Its true, try it and see!

Then at night, my family had a bit of problem trying to find a place to eat, it being V day and all. In the end we settled for Madame Kwan's in Midvalley. So basically I spent my V day driving and with my family. Hopefully this changes next year... *There's Gotta Be Somebody For Me Out There!!!*


Nothing special happened today. I found out today that my Youth Leader's going to be getting a fifth kid soon! WOW In this day and age it's rare to find someone with more than 3. My Youth Leader, Rugby (that's his code name, BTW) already has 4 other kids, a girl at 7, a boy at 6, another girl at 4, and a young baby boy at 1 year 2 months old. And now a new kid's coming out! Wonder if they're twins? I know the Bible says, "Be fruitful and Multiply", but 5!!?? WOW.

I also made up with my mum. We sorta just got back to normal on Saturday, though the formal apology was on Sunday.


Nothing much happened today, I guess. I've just been working on a "Which character are you "quiz, it's still in the beggining stages, but I'll post it up ASAP. Also went to get my contacts cleaned professionally, apparantly I don't do it right...saw some really cool Sangoku Gundam Modals that are really amazing. I'll probably pick up one next month if I have enough money.


ARGH, my kenjutsu class was cancelled! So I had to walk around the college with a wooden stick on my shoulder. It really generates a lotta attention...I still got some sparring practise courtesy of one of my new pals in college. The guy's a pro, he's got a black belt in taekwondo 2nd dan, and he reads up on martial arts. We practised out in the open, and one guy actually came up to ask when was the next class! Hope to see him next week, sincerely. I improved on my blocking and my evading, though my footwork needs some more refinement.

Will type out the rest tommorow, so look out for it!

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